MD Medicus Fortiscare GmbH

The MD Medicus FortisCare GmbH is a merger of the main competence areas of the two shareholders – a compulsory health fund, now the pronova BKK and the medical consulting competence of the founder health consulting in Germany - MD Medicus. pronova policy holders have a competence centre at their side that provides the entire range of modern medical services.

In addition is the company, which has its own ServiceCenter, leading when it comes to the development of new products and controlling mechanism in the social security area. Based on this new solutions and services for compulsory health funds get created.


Headquarter Ludwigshafen

Headquarter Ludwigshafen
Industriestraße 2a
Ludwigshafen on the Rine 67063

MD Medicus Imagevideo

  1. MD Medicus
  2. Health Counselling & Care Assistance
  3. In-Home Service Call & Telemedicine
  4. Care & Rehab Management
  5. Counselling Abroad
  6. Travel & Tropical Medicine
  7. Assistance for companies & abroad